汕头市韬晨音响贸易公司,由业内资深人士创建,聚集着一群怀揣音乐热情、追求完美声音、有着丰富从业经验的年轻人。公司秉承着3TOP理念,即Top sound 、Top quality 、Top service,我们一直致力于还原声音最初的魅力,寻求高品质高质量的音响产品,提供完善的服务理念,与发烧友共享音响所带来的音乐精华。
韬晨音响目前总代理的音响品牌有法国totaldac 和意大利viva。
Top Sound Audio Equipment and Trading Co.,Ltd., founded by industry veterans, gather a group of young people with a passion for music, the pursuit of perfect sound, and extensive experience. Adhering to the 3TOP concept, namely Top sound, Top quality, Top service, we have been committed to restoring the original charm of sound, seeking high-quality audio products, providing a perfect service concept, and sharing the essence of music brought by audio with audiophiles.
At present, the general agents of Taochen Audio include TOTALDAC of France and Viva of Italy.
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